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Implementation Readiness Assessment Tool Template

Publication Date:

This tool is intended to assess readiness to implement various activities that support a whole-person approach to care and service delivery, and help identify gaps and areas of improvement. The activities are aligned with and organized by the six domains of JSI’s Person-Centered Care (PCC) framework:

  1. Service design and delivery
  2. Policy and financing
  3. Monitoring, learning, and accountability
  4. Workforce environment and development
  5. Point of care access and experience (client level)
  6. Leadership and governance

To use as a discussion guide or to use in a brief way the .PDF version is a perfect option. To take a deep dive and fill out all details and components, we recommend the use of the Word version. 

This tool works in conjunction with the Baseline Needs Assessment Landscape Analysis Template.

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Person-Centered Care Domains
Leadership and Governance
Monitoring, Learning, and Accountability
Point of Care Access and Experience
Policy and Financing
Service Design and Delivery
Workforce Environment and Development
