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This Baseline Needs Assessment Landscape Analysis serves as an example of a completed Landscape Analysis (LA). It is intended to provide guidance and clarity on the structure, content, and level of detail of each LA. Please note that this example is for reference purposes only and should not be replicated directly.
Included on this page is an example from Bexar County's Baseline Needs Assessment Landscape Analysis which serves as an example of a completed Landscape Analysis (LA). It is intended to provide guidance and clarity on the structure, content, and the level of detail. Please note that this example is for reference purposes only and should not be replicated directly.
Related Files
Landscape Analysis - Template.pdf (PDF, 265.47 KB)
Landscape Analysis - Template.docx (DOCX, 1.27 MB)
Bexar County Landscape Analysis Example.pdf (PDF, 4.18 MB)
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