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NRWC Conference Session: Status Neutral: Moving Toward Comprehensive Services for People Affected by HIV


We presented at the National Ryan White Conference on How to Assess the Landscape for Comprehensive Services and Braided Funding. Our portion of the session provided an overview of the landscape analysis developed by JSI to comprehensively assess and understand the current state of funding, services, interventions, and policies at each implementation site. Through the analysis, JSI gained valuable insights into the strengths and opportunities of existing systems, leading to more informed decision-making and improved service delivery of whole-person approaches at each implementation site, as well as across the four jurisdictions.

Participants had the opportunity to hear from implementation site representative(s) about conducting a landscape analysis. The site(s) also discussed the whole-person framework they are implementing, identified opportunities and challenges to implementation, and shared how they are braiding funding to support their syndemic approach.

NRWC Session #27170, Status Neutral: Moving Toward Comprehensive Services for People Affected by HIV
