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NACCHO360 Conference Session: Supporting Implementation of Whole-Person, Status Neutral Approaches in the HIV Prevention and Care Community


Our team presented at the NACCHO360 Conference in Detroit, MI, alongside representatives from the implementation sites in Hennepin County, MN, and San Diego County, CA. We discussed the whole-person frameworks they are implementing, partnerships, opportunities and challenges to implementation, and how they are braiding funding to support their syndemic approach. The session also provided an overview of the project and how our approach is grounded in JSI’s Person-Centered Care (PCC) framework, which was used to identify, prioritize, and tailor evaluation and TA activities at the system, service delivery, and client levels.

Presenters shared how the SNAP ETAP team is supporting the four implementation sites to expand access to whole-person, comprehensive, culturally responsive services that:

  • Create a “one door” approach for both HIV prevention and treatment services.
  • Address institutionalized HIV stigma by integrating HIV prevention and care.
  • Make HIV testing, linkage to medical care, and testing for other medical conditions, such as sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and hepatitis C virus (HCV), more accessible and routine.
